Captivating Northern Lights – A Photographer’s Guide for iPhone Users

Gazing upon the ethereal dance of the Northern Lights is a bucket-list experience that leaves you in awe of nature’s cosmic artistry. As an iPhone photographer, capturing the beauty of this celestial spectacle can seem daunting, but with the right techniques and a bit of patience, you too can immortalize these breathtaking moments.

How to photograph northern lights with a Phone or Camera

Essential Camera Settings for Aurora Hunters

Transform your iPhone into a Northern Lights-capturing device with these indispensable settings:

  1. Exposure: Darkness envelops the night sky, making it crucial to decrease your exposure time. Set it to the lowest possible setting, around 1/15s to 1/3s.
  2. Aperture: Maximize light intake by selecting the lowest f-stop value your iPhone allows, typically f/2.8.
  3. ISO: Experiment with ISO settings, starting around 800. Adjust it higher if the lights are faint, but avoid values exceeding 3200 to minimize noise.
  4. White Balance: Capture the true hues of the aurora by setting the white balance to ‘Tungsten’. This warmth counteracts the camera’s tendency to cool the colors under low light conditions.
  5. Night Mode: If your iPhone supports Night Mode, activate it. It brightens the scene and reduces noise, enhancing the visibility of the Northern Lights.

Expert Tips and Tricks

Elevate your Northern Lights photography with these expert techniques:

  • Find Darkness: Distance yourself from light pollution to enhance the visibility of the lights. Research and select remote spots with clear skies.
  • Use a Tripod: Nighttime photography requires steady camera support. A tripod ensures sharp images free from camera shake.
  • Use a Remote Shutter: Minimize camera vibrations by triggering the shutter using a Bluetooth or built-in remote. This is especially effective for longer exposure times.
  • Experiment with Composition: Capture the Northern Lights in various perspectives. Try including interesting foreground elements like silhouettes of trees or mountains.
  • Post-Processing: Enhance your images using editing apps. Adjust contrast, exposure, and white balance to optimize the colors and tones of the Northern Lights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the best time to take photos of the Northern Lights?

A: The Northern Lights are most often visible during the winter months in areas with high geomagnetic activity. Typically, the best viewing hours are late at night or in the early morning.

Q: Can I capture the Northern Lights with a wide-angle lens?

A: Yes, wide-angle lenses enable you to capture a broader perspective of the sky and maximize the chances of capturing the Northern Lights.

How to Take Great Photos of the Northern Lights on iPhone

How To Take Pictures Of Northern Lights With Iphone


Photographing the Northern Lights transcends capturing a mere celestial display. It is an artistic endeavor that allows you to share the awe-inspiring beauty of nature’s luminous show with others. Embrace the knowledge and techniques discussed in this article to capture breathtaking images of these ethereal wonders, fostering a sense of connection to the cosmos with every shot.

Have you ever captured the Northern Lights with your iPhone? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below.